We’re looking for a backend developer to help us keep our applications secure and compliant. You will be ensuring our applications, libraries and dependencies are up to date and secure, as well as validating that access rights are correctly applied and facilitated within each of our many micro services.You will work closely with the ops team as well as the information security team.
Aigent is scale-up, building technology to assist customer support agents to reduce call handling time and increase customers satisfaction with faster and better responses. We're building the future of the call centre industry with exciting software to assist customer service agents handling complex voice calls. With real-time natural language processing and sentiment analysis we deliver call centre agents and their managers real-time support for handling their ongoing calls.
...iterate and do the smallest thing possible to get it out as quickly as possible:
We don't write large plans, only the first step. We trust that we'll know better how to proceed after something, anything is done. If we're slightly embarrassed by the minimal result of the first iteration, that means we're doing it right. In the beginning, it might hurt to make decisions fast and without extensive preparation, but frequently, the simplest version turns out to be the best one and we learn from real results and not assumptions. Our iterative approach is explicitly not limited to software development but also applies to things like processes, security, partnerships, marketing and sales.
...are bold and responsible:
At Aigent we act bold and fearless and we don’t wait for others to take action. There is no ‘somebody else’s problem’ and if we see a problem, we fix it. Instead of asking for permission, we ask for forgiveness if our changes break something.
...are disruptive but seek harmony:
We are a diverse team not only in nationalities, but also in personalities and opinions. We embrace the value we gain through this. Everyone has the responsibility to challenge existing approaches throughout the company, nothing should be safe of criticism or questions. We value and welcome different perspectives, it’s what makes us authentic! This approach only works with empathy and patience. We assume only the best intentions from our peers. We make sure others understand what we’re trying to say, and ensure we understand others by using active listening.
...bring new ideas and use boring solutions:
The result counts! We use any means necessary to solve a problem; our toolbox includes anything from ugly solutions and dirty hacks, to using new technologies and coming up with innovative ideas. We keep in mind that technology is a tool, not a goal. We don’t stay in our comfort zone and learn (and try!) something new every day. We work smart, not hard.
...stick to the vision and listen to the customers:
Aigent’s goal is to help agents in real time during voice conversations and we keep this in mind whenever we work on our product and technologies. That means we are conscious on what we choose to work and on what we don’t work; we always strive to improve the experience for our end user with any change. We listen to the customer and the market to make sure we are adding maximum of value to our customers.
About remote work at Aigent
At Aigent we have decided to embrace remote work and the flexibility it gives us. Since 2 years, we are a full remote company with team members across the globe and in different timezones. While we certainly have not figured out this 'remote thing' 100%, we're trying hard and are always looking to improve. We run surveys and retrospectives to understand what our team thinks about working at Aigent, and to learn how we can improve. We have regular online pizza parties within small teams as well as with the whole company, and we're using online tools to hang out during our working hours, have small talk, and play games. We think it is important to appreciate each other's work, and organize a weekly kudos session to ensure that we take time to stop and thank our colleagues.
Your role
Ensure our applications, libraries and dependencies are continuously up to date and secure
Ensure all services and every data exchange is authenticated and authorized in a multi-tenant environment
Work closely with the ops team as well as the information security team.
Become an essential part of our multi-pair-eyed software change review process to specifically ensure that secure and vetted libraries are used as well as data access and authorisations are implemented and followed narrowly in each individual service and endpoint
Propose and help building better processes and tools to update and ensure that strict and state-of-the-art security standards are followed for old and new software
Programming experience in Javascript, Python and/or Go.
In-depth understanding of corresponding programming language eco-systems and especially 3rd-party library management
Able to assess, validate and solve technical security risks from external libraries
Able to assess, validate and solve data access patterns, authentication of users and authorisation to access data
Ok. Last thing...
If you are still not sure, or still scared or feel that you don't meet 100% of the requirement, apply anyway! We don't hire off of keywords. We hire real living people who have voices; who are willing to learn what you need for your career growth. Yes, we want to hear from you! If you are ready, join our exciting and game-changing journey, click on "apply button" and we'll get in touch with you soonest as possible.